Weather Report – 7/14/19

This report brought to you by Sky Forest Inn Event and Retreat Center

Courtesy of


Good Morning.
If you heard lots of sirens last night, there was a vegetation fire on Mojave River Road around 12:50am that burned around a half acre and was quickly put out by the local fire agencies. Also, about 30 minutes later, another vegetation fire was reported at upper Waterman Canyon which was also handled quickly. Check with the Mountain Reporter for more details on these and other events around the Mountain.
.. Back to the weather. Yesterday a lone cell over Mt Laguna produced a Thunderstorm that dropped over 2.00″s of rain in 45 minutes! Reported by the NWS/Dan Gregoria.
..There were no reports of Thunderstorms in the local area.
..Today we will continue to have very warm temperatures in the mountain region. High pressure that is currently centered over the Rocky Mountain States will remain stationary through Tuesday. We will have afternoon winds in some areas locally, as cooling in the Deserts draws in a SW flow of air. No Thunderstorms are expected today however there will likely be afternoon heat clouds build up as they have been for the last few days.
..Tuesday a weak Trough along the West Coast will begin to affect our area and help to push out the High pressure that has brought in very warm temperatures to the area, East. As the Trough pushes through the area, cooler temperatures will arrive, as well as the possibility of morning low clouds or fog for the Inland Valleys.
temperatures will begin to cool off Tuesday by around 5* and another 5* for Wednesday through Friday. Then another warm up is expected for the weekend of the 20th with the possibility of a return of Monsoonal moisture at that time. RC*
..As always, be careful with any type of outdoor fire and make sure your outdoor pets have plenty of shade and water.
..That’s it for now!
.. Be sure to check on the Lake Gregory Weather Group, facebook page, for any radar loops or storm updates as needed.
Thank you. RC @

..As we head into Fire Season please use caution in all mountain areas. Also I will begin today posting the Fire Danger levels on the bottom of this page.
You can also check the wx alerts page for a more in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website)

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-89/69*, Twin Peaks-84/64*, Lk Arrowhead-85/70*, Running Springs-86/64*, Big Bear-82/47*, GVL-81/60*, San Berdo-107/62*, Wtrmn Cyn-97/62*.