Weather Report – 7/11/19

This report brought to you by Kaila Brooks, Realtor

Courtesy of


Good Morning.
..Today we begin a heat wave for all of SoCal. Temperatures will run around 5* warmer today than yesterday’s high temperatures locally. San Bernardino will be pushing 100* today and 102-105* for the next few days.
..An area of High pressure now centered over the Rocky Mountain States will expand over the next three days. This will include SoCal, and the Western Region bringing warmer temperatures and eventually higher humidity levels for the period Friday through Sunday. Moisture will be drawn North from Mexico across the Desert Southwest including our local Deserts and Mountains as well as the lower Colorado River area (Havasu). There will be a chance for Thunderstorms during peak heating (noon-6pm) on Friday and Saturday for those areas, including Big Bear. The moisture is limited and will mostly be confined to the mid levels, so little to no rain is expected. However, dry Lightning will be a possibility. We will continue to have diurnally driven afternoon winds locally but should remain from 5-10mph.
..Cumulus and possibly towering cumulus clouds will likely develop in the afternoon hours Friday and Saturday, possibly through Monday for the local areas. Other than the Big Bear area and East, there will only be a slight chance for any lightning locally.
..The Marine layer will be held at the Coast for the next few days so the Valley will be mostly clear with Hazy conditions there.
..The increased Heat will raise the Fire Danger levels for the next four days however the fuel moisture is still pretty good for this time of year. As always, be careful with any type of outdoor fire and make sure your outdoor pets have plenty of shade and water.
..That’s it for now!
.. Be sure to check on the Lake Gregory Weather Group, facebook page, for any radar loops or storm updates as needed.
Thank you. RC @

..As we head into Fire Season please use caution in all mountain areas. Also I will begin today posting the Fire Danger levels on the bottom of this page also check the wx alerts page for an in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website)

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-81/55*, Twin Peaks-76/65*, Lk Arrowhead-78/64*, Running Springs-74/63*, Big Bear-79/41*, GVL-77/49*, San Berdo-99/61*, Wtrmn Cyn-88/57*.