Weather Report – 6/6/19

Courtesy of


Good Morning.
..Looks like summer has arrived!! Yesterday local temperatures ran from 79-86* across the mountain. Whew! Typical mountain weather, cold to hot almost overnight.
..Today will be a little cooler as a Trough of Low pressure passes through the PAC-NW. We will still have some scattered mid level clouds today with slightly cooler temperatures. There is a low level marine layer this morning but that will clear out quickly as temperatures in the Valley rise.
..Friday, the Marine layer will deepen as the Trough moves through to our North. Temperatures will be from 5-10* cooler with gusty winds picking up later tonight as well. All of this should be to our East by Saturday with gusty NE winds locally and temperatures on the rise again.
..High pressure will build in from the West which will bring in very warm temperatures through the work week next week. Possibly the warmest so far this year. We may see an increase in clouds as the Trough moves through Friday then mostly clear for the weekend. Next week we may see Tropical moisture move into the area or at least the Desert communities increasing the chance for T-Storms in the desert and Big Bear areas.

..As temperatures rise in the weeks ahead, take extra precautions with your outdoor friends. Water and shade will be paramount for them soon. Thank you for joining me at

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-86/57*, Twin Peaks-84/58*, Lk Arrowhead-86/62*, Running Springs-79/60*, Big Bear-77/43*, GVL-78/44*, San Berdo-95/59*, Wtrmn Cyn-87/55*.