Weather Report – 5/15/19

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Good Morning.
THE NWS HAS ISSUES A WIND ADVISORY FOR OUR AREA. This is posted on the WX Alerts page in the drop down menu on the website.
..We start the morning with high clouds and Fog around 1200’ASL. Today will be a transitional day as far as the weather goes. We will start the day with high clouds across all of SoCal, then thickening this afternoon with a chance for rain by late tonight. Temperatures will be cooler today due to the High clouds and approaching area of Low pressure.
..Thursday we should wake up to fog and rain across the area through the early afternoon hours. Then tapering off later in the day. From what it looks like this morning, we will be in a interesting pattern through the middle of next week at least. The East Asian Jet that has been absent all Winter will be heading directly into the West Coast beginning tomorrow and through next week. This along with a weak Atmospheric River (AR) will help to enhance the Rain, and gusty winds, to the area. Due to the AR, Orographic lift will play a role in our Rainfall especially along the Rim. Several systems are poised to move through the Region beginning tonight through the middle of next week, at least. As the Jet hooks and passes over SoCal it will add additional lift to the Low, adding to the chances for Thunderstorms and other possibly severe weather such as water spouts offshore, and rotors in the Central Valley, etc, so the next few days could get interesting. This system will have have a cold core so snow levels will begin around the 8000′ level then lower as the back side of the system works through to around the 6000′ to 6500′ level Thursday night on to Friday morning. However, only residual moisture will be available for light snow flurries ATT.
..Friday, we will be clearing out as the first system departs. Temperatures will remain cool locally with more gusty winds likely.
..Saturday, will be a good day weather wise as we will be in between systems. Sunday the next system will arrive bringing another round of rain to the area.
I’ve gone on long enough so tomorrow I will tackle that one. As it looks this morning, none of these systems are big rain makers however, Springtime storms can change dynamics in just a few hours.
..So overall, we will have a variety of weather over the next five days, or so.
..On the main page of the website, I have added two live webcam views, one of Lake Gregory pointing North, and the other facing Southeast toward Waterman canyon. These are very helpful for the drive up and down the hill. If the camera view is gray, that means it’s foggy.
..That’s it for today. Thank you for joining me @
..Be sure to check out the other pages on the website for live webcams from around the area, live Radar, Satellite loops, Traffic conditions, along with live Weather conditions, and a live view of Lake Gregory from my weather station at the South side of the lake. Have a good Day! *RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-70/53*, Twin Peaks/Rim Forest-65/47*, Lake Arrowhead-69/51*, Running Springs-62/47, Big Bear-67/41*, San Berdo-88/59, Wtrmn Cyn-80/50*,GVL-63/46