Big Bear Residents Will Walk to Support the Sugarloaf Fire Station

Sponsored by Goodwin’s Market and Mountain Top Producers Realty

Article and photos by Malia Dietz

From a social media post on Facebook:

Please join us for a March in support of our Fire Fighters and to save our Sugarloaf Fire Station🚒, we will meet at Sugarloaf Park parking lot on Sunday, April 14th from 1:00pm to 2pm. We want this to be a positive event to show our concern, and thank the men and women who help keep us and our mountain safe everyday! Bring a sign and be ready to walk the walk and talk the talk!

This walk is being hosted by the Sugarloaf Property Owners Association.

From an SPOA Press Release:


The Sugarloaf Property Owners Association (SPOA) will be sponsoring
a “Save our Station” Peaceful walk this Sunday the 14th from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. We will meet at the Sugarloaf Park parking lot. A table will be set up with information and water.

We will walk up Baldwin Lane to the Elementary School and loopp around by the park
Please make your signs with a “positive” theme. We are supporting our Fire Department in their efforts to keep the station open. If you do not want to walk, bring a chair and cheer us on, or drive by and honk. All are welcome!

Please make sure you attend the April 17th Fire Authority meeting at 4:30pm at the Big Bear Lake Fire Department-Station 281 next to the Community Church. The (10) member board will hear all of our concerns and might be making their decision as to keep the station open or shut it down. Bring your friends and pack that place out !! Thank you,

Bob Ybarra – President of SPOA

Please see attached flyer that Sugarloaf Residents put together! Feel free to print and handout or email to other friends and neighbors. Thank you everyone for this group effort on behalf of the entire Big Bear Valley Community!


  1. Dang! I will be out of town but I would totally be there! Keep the station open!!!

  2. Is this the begining of another sur charge for fire protection? If so, how do we protect the moey from going into thr general fund?

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