4.5 Earthquake Strikes SB Mountains

At 4:49 a.m. on 5/8/18, an earthquake jolted the San Bernardino mountains. Initially reported as a 4.8 magnitude quake, mountain residents reported feeling it as well as scattered reports all the way out to Dana Point indicating that it was felt across the Southland.

The epicenter was 7 miles north of Cabezon, only a few miles from San Gorgonio mountain, which makes up the Eastern end of the San Bernardino Mountain range. The Rim of the World scenic highway also travels directly over the epicentric area.

A swarm of mini quakes registering between 2 and 3 on the Richter Scale continued for a while after the big one.

Map courtesy of usgs.gov

Many mountain residents aren’t aware that we drive over there Sam Andreas fault going up the mountain on the south or “front side”. 18, 330 and the 38 all cross the major fault at some point.

On Highway 18, it crosses near Wildwood Park just above 40th, just a few feet away from where Sierra Way splits off.

San Andreas crossing highway 18, Courtesy of geology.com

The San Andreas crosses Highway 330 about half way up the offramp at Highland Ave.

San Andreas crossing highway 330, Courtesy of geology.com

The fault also runs under Highway 38 just past Bryant Road going up the hill.

San Andreas crossing highway 38, Courtesy of geology.com

Motorists are encouraged to watch for rocks and debris in the roadway this morning.