Today’s Weather

Thursday 10-17-19


..Good Morning.

..The Heaps Peak weather station is up and available on the Webcam page. Click the link below the picture (webcam page) from Heaps Peak to view the current weather there.

..Today we have mostly clear skies across the area with light and variable winds. So far this morning, there is no fog in the lowlands.

..There is a weak pressure gradient from San Diego to Tonopah this morning of around 6mbs, giving us an onshore flow. An upper level Trough will pass through the area today bringing in High clouds and a wind change from the SW to the NE for a short period late this afternoon. Temperatures will be cooler today for most areas as the Trough brings in cooler air.

..Friday we will have variable and gusty winds at times with temperatures holding about the same as today’s. Fog may move into the IE but will clear out quickly by mid morning. A weak Ridge will move through SoCal Friday bringing in slightly warmer temperatures for Saturday.

..Then for Sunday and Monday, as High pressure builds into the Great Basin, we will have a return of a mild to moderate Santa Ana wind event again. Temperatures will go up in the Valley and humidity levels will go down Sunday and Monday as the winds pick up. The Santa Ana winds should last around 24-36hours.

..Looking at the longer range outlook, no rain is in the forecast but a cool down is likely for mid week next week as another weak Trough passes through the PAC-NW.

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:

Crestline-77/55*, Twin Peaks-72/49*, Lk Arrowhead-77/52*, Running Springs-69/49*, Big Bear-70/34*, GVL-71/49*, San Berdo-97/60*, Wtrmn Cyn-82/52*.