Attention Big Bear Residents

This article sponsored by: Mountains Community Hospital

Big Bear Firefighters truly appreciate the “love” for their efforts with your comments on Facebook. And now, more than ever, they REALLY need you as a volunteer in support of the March 2020 Ballot Measure. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.
Consider giving a couple of hours per week or per month to help educate Big Bear Valley residents on the need to increase funding for the BBFD. Volunteers are currently walking door-to-door with off-duty firefighters on weekends and during the week to educate voters in the Big Bear Valley on the current funding challenges and need for revenue.
We will be chatting with our neighbors again this coming weekend. We will meet at the airport parking lot at the times below:
Saturday, November 16 @ 12:30p
Sunday, November 17 @ 11:00a
We have visited half of the homes of registered voters in our valley with our current volunteer staff and we could really use your help! We are hoping to reach as many of our friends and neighbors before the inclement weather sets in.
There will be a variety of other opportunities to volunteer in the coming months, so if “walking’ isn’t your thing,join the ‘Friends of BBFD’ group to stay informed.